Yep, I am starting a blog of my own. I feel like it is the stay at home mom thing to do. :P I don't claim to be a great writer... actually English was and is my worst subject. But if you can bare through my typos and misuse of commas, I think we will get along.
I thought it would be interesting to write about how we are coping with living in Cambodia and trying to raise an American family. In my blog you will find parenting adventures (life with two adopted beauties and soon to be a newborn), cooking adventures (we have to substitute quite a bit of things here), and some crafty things too! I am a feedback junkie so I would love feedback! Encouragement, suggestions, advice, I want to hear from you! :)
So, here we go! Into the world of a blogging mommy. Let's see how this goes!
I will enjoy reading your thoughts, Kelsi... commas and typos and all! ;)